Enhanced Soil Biota

Improved soil biota helps farmers by increasing soil fertility, improving plant growth, enhancing water retention, reducing soil erosion, and reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers. This leads to both a more sustainable and economically viable agricultural system. Crop yields, food quality and taste are also improved.

  • Dog Urine Burn

    Is your lawn damaged by dog urine?

    Find out how Swift Grow and its mates Swift Fort and Swift Life restores your damaged lawn back to life.

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  • Global Call for Research

    Global Call for Research

    Universities around the world researching the dramatic positive impact of Swift Grow on the soil, plants, yield, bees, vertical farming and Climate Change.

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  • Councils & Overseas Enquiries

    Corporate Carbon Credits

    Your organisation is invited to Contact Us for inquiries, information, and collaboration opportunities & to explore options for offsetting and acquiring Carbon Credits.


    Dieback is the gradual health deterioration of trees/vines/shrubs, starting with outer twigs/tips leading to the tree/vine/shrub death. Dieback is usually caused by ..