Saudi Desert to an Oasis in 3 Weeks

Saudi Desert to an Oasis in 3 Weeks

Yes, astonishing!! … from Barren Desert to a Green Oasis in 3 Weeks!!
At the invitation of the KSA Agricultural Minister, The Swift Grow team validated the efficacy of Swift Grow desert greening technology. The team flew over to an allocated Sa’ad National Park test side, 110km East of Riyadh, and in one week setup a drip irrigation system supplied by refillable bladder water tanks. Seeds were then hand sown on sand surface then Swift Life and then Swift Grow were applied …. and over the course of 3 weeks a green oasis gradually formed, attracting an ecosystem of wildlife.

Watch The Swift Grow Method Being Applied

Commentary in English and text in dual English and Arabic.

Swift Grow method with commentary in Arabic and text in dual English and Arabic.

Watch The Oasis Reach 40cm Height In 5 Weeks

Joe is commentating in Arabic about the birdlife and types of native tree seedling shooting up. Notice the stark contrast in the background to the green foreground. The difference is Swift Grow colonising the sand and turning it into a vibrant living soil that retains moisture and feeds the growing plants!!


Closeup Of The Native Shrubs and Trees


Zoom Right Into The 5 Week Old Sidr and Tallah Tree Seedlings

Typically takes up to 3 weeks to germinate, these native trees are 4cm tall seedlings in mere 5 weeks. About 1,000 tree seedlings in total were sown in this 1000 sqm test area, to show that Swift Grow can achieve near 100% germination rate and support the seedlings during their growth phase.

What Is The Next Step?

To be allocated a 10 hectares (100,000 sqm) site to scale up the Swift Grow method incorporating drones to do aerial seed sowing.


Scientist Michael Hope, owner of 2000 acres Hope Estate Winery, speaks about Saudi Arabia trial and how Swift Grow improved his own winery.

Customer from Brightly NSW sharing his amazing Swift Grow Saudi trial and experience with his cattle and horses at 60 acres Brightly.
