The Green Gallery Nursery – Scientifically Controlled Trial

The Green Gallery Nursery – Scientifically Controlled Trial

The Green Gallery – Premium Potted Plants –  Dural & Glenorie, NSW, Australia 

The Green Gallery nursery is 40km north west of Sydney situated on two sites totaling 10 acres. We grow flowers and plants from exclusive access to the best and newest varieties of plants and flowers available in Australia; and regularly travel overseas to stay in touch with international trends in flora. We supply florists, retail nurseries, municipal councils and landscapers on a wholesale basis. We deliver Australia wide. 

My team started trialing Swift Grow organic liquid fertilizer in November 2019 with a small number of scientifically controlled ‘test and control’ potted plants by hand applying the test plants with diluted Swift Grow from a watering can. The control plants were fertilized with the best commercial pellet-form fertilizer we had honed-in over time to produce our healthy plants.


After the second Swift Grow application, being a week apart, the Swift Grow test plants started to show measureable difference. By the fourth application, being four weeks into the test, the Swift Grow test plants demonstrated taller stem with more vigorous branching resulting in wider and fuller plant bulk and shape. The number and size of the flower bulbs was significantly more with richer and deeper colours.


The 2019 summer brought record temperatures reaching 47 degrees Celsius in December and January. From first-hand experience with using Swift Grow through these dry conditions, Swift Draw fertilizer enabled our plants to require less water and overall do better than the control plants.


Using Swift Grow organic liquid fertilizer has significantly reduced the total production cost on many fronts: Direct synthetic fertilizer costs and removing the need for soil conditioners and soil fortifications. The safety bonus is Swift Grow enabled our staff to handle organic fertilizer without the need for chemical hazard protective gear and not having to manage fertilizer run-offs into the surrounds and waterway. 


We have noticed an increasing number of bees coming to our Swift Grow flowers since applying Swift Grow, which we appreciate is benefiting to the ecosystem and flower cross-pollinations. 


Based on the amazing results of the trial, we have extended the application of Swift Grow and now trialing the Swift Grow slow release powder. I’m happy to recommend it, and would gladly discuss our results via a phone call.

Jeremy Critchley 
Owner The Green Gallery Nursery 

5 Quarry Rd, Dural NSW 2158
Mbl: +61 403 194 320 

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