Need a Large Solution?
There are fertilisers… then there’s Swift Grow!
Please see our farmer’s qualities below INCLUDING our Farmer’s Discount AND Free Shipping.
SWIFT LIFE - Soil Inoculant
ราคาปกติ จาก $69.95 AUDราคาปกติราคาต่อหน่วย / ต่อ$240.00 AUDราคาโปรโมชัน จาก $69.95 AUDลดราคา -
15 Litres Swift Grow Organic Fertiliser - 34% Off Limited Time Only
ราคาปกติ $395.50 AUDราคาปกติราคาต่อหน่วย / ต่อ$1,200.00 AUDราคาโปรโมชัน $395.50 AUDลดราคา
Dieback Disease Solution
Directions for 9L covering 10 sqm lawn or 2 trees/vines
- Shake all bottles before mixing.
- From the Swift Grow bottle add 100ml to the watering can.
- From the Swift Life bottle add 10ml to the same watering can.
- From the Swift Fort bottle add 20ml to the same water can.
- Top up the 9 litre watering can with water and spray directly and evenly over the affected foliage covering 10 sqm.
- Repeat the application weekly for 4 consecutive weeks or till you start to observe emerging plant life, then reduce frequency to match the growth you desire.
- Scale the same ratio for large water volume and area accordingly.
Dieback is the gradual health deterioration of trees/vines/shrubs, starting with outer twigs/tips leading to the tree/vine/shrub death. Dieback is usually caused by a combination of disease and pathogens, insect attack and/or stressful soil conditions.
- The soil friendly microorganisms in Swift Grow, the pest protection from Swift Fort and toxin bio remediation from Swift Life rapidly provide bio absorbable nutrients and protection needed to resuscitate your plants.
- Applying Swift Grow + Swift Life to the soil and Swift Fort on the foliage to resurrect your trees/vines/shrubs and prevent financial loss.
- We can facilitate a drone service to spray your broadacres or hard to access land. Ask when you contact us.
As part of our mission to thrive Australian farming, we offer our farmers discounts off 15 litres of Swift Grow or more.
You will also have your very own account manager available to guide you and answer your questions. To assist you see and feel how amazing our award-winning scientifically proven certified organic product range is for your crops.